Wikinotícias Discussão:Embaixada
Esta é a página de discussão de Wikinotícias:Embaixada, destinada ao debate sobre melhorias e tarefas relacionadas a página.
Note: the following articles are a translation effort of some Portuguese articles. We do the best of we can, however you must be aware of some inconsistences related to the translation.
Brazil and Spain to discuss about repatriation
editarMarch 12, 2008
Brazil and Spain scheduled a meeting right after the Easter to argue about the entrance of Brazilian citizens in Spain. The meeting was agreed today (12) during a phone call between the Spanish Foreign Relations Minister's, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, and the Brazilian chancellor Celso Amorim.
Miguel Angel Moratinos said to the Brazilian chancellor that he would like to find some solutions related to the problems about Brazilians' entrance in Spain before the meeting.
According to the Itamaraty - the Brazilian Foreign Relations Office - the Secretary of the Brazilian communities in Foreign Countries, ambassador Oto Agripino Maia, will be the Brazilian representative in the meeting. Date and location are expected to be defined during the next days.
Translation of Brasil e Espanha marcam encontro para tratar de repatriação
Landless Workers Movement recommend FARC website
editarMarch 11, 2008
The official webpage of the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement (MST) recommends a webpage which explicitly defends for the Marxist Revolutionary Armed forces of Colombia (FARC).
In, amid other links including: the Venezuelan government press services, marxist websites, the reader will find at least a page that does an explicit apology of the Colombian guerrilla: In that page, on 03/10/2008 the reader could find the following texts:"Honor and Forever Glory to Commander Raúl Reyes!", signed by the FARC; "The revolutionaries do not celebrate deaths" and "The death of a revolutionary".
Translation of Site do Movimento dos Sem-Terra recomenda as FARC
Uribe agree with UN forces
editarMarch 11, 2008
The Colombian President Alvaro Uribe agreed with UN forces inside Colombian territory for the establishment of neutral zones close to regions dominated by FARC.
Translation of Uribe aceita forças da ONU
Guerrilla who killed Ríos tells that Chávez promised guns and money to FARC
editarMarch 10, 2008
The ex-FARC guerrilla "Rojas" who took part in the murder of the marxist guerrilla Ívan Ríos said that the Presidente of Venezuela Hugo Chávez promised sending money and used weapons to FARC. "Rojas" also said that FARC guerrilla is hardly to release Ingrid Betancourt.
The ex-FARC guerrilla told Colombian Caracol Radio that the cited money did not come yet but the FARC leader Manuel Marulanda ("Tirofijo") was happy about the promise. "Rojas" also declared: "Chávez offered some guns to Marulanda, he said that they weren't very good but that they'd be fine for a guerrilla".
"Rojas" said that FARC wants to keep captive three kidnapped American citizens while FARC leader "Simón Trinidad" continues to be in a prison in USA.
Also "Rojas" added that the parliamentary Ingrid Betancourt is very rebellious and that she will not be free, "no way".
Translation of Guerrilheiro que matou Ríos diz que Chávez prometeu armas e dinheiro para as FARC
Brazilian Minister denies FARC bases inside Brazil
editarMarch 06, 2008
The Brazilian Minister of Justice Tarso Genro said that there is not FARC bases inside Brazil. However he admitted, there is a chance that civilians transit through the Brazilian-Colombian border. "I guarantee that there is not a single FARC camp here. But we may find civilian people crossing the border entering Brazilian territory to buy consummer goods", he stated.
Tarso Genro said that, in case of finding Farc bases inside the country, the government will act according to the law to inhibit the action of the Colombian guerrilla fighters. "A year ago, more or less, there was a [FARC] presence which was quickly repelled and it did not repeated anymore. The Federal Police and the Armed Forces control the region for sure according to their competence. There is not that kind of problem in [our] country".
Genro commented to Brazilian radio stations the declaration of the Equatorian President, Rafael Correa. In response to a question about if he knew about FARC bases inside Ecuador, Correa said, that probably there are FARC bases inside Brazil.
Correa's declaration was made yesterday (5), after his encounter with Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva, when he thanked the Brazilian support. Brazil condemned the invasion of the Ecuadorian territory by the Colombian Army.
Translation of Tarso Genro nega presença das Farc em território brasileiro